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Resonant Sound Experience

A Shared Growth and Wellness Experience

Resonant Sound Experience is a group process that enables groups as small as 8-10 and as large as 300 to experience a shared growth and wellness experience.

Resonant Sound has been performed for corporate wellness seminars, substance recovery retreats, treatment centers, conferences, and general public shows for a “higher bar” experience.

Imagine a live performer, band, or ensemble, specifically trained in Sound Therapy, and ready to utilize that training to create a live performance derived from the audience that attends.

The goals of connecting with a mindful group process, expressing long restricted feelings, and challenging limiting beliefs, are all possible with Resonant Sound Experience. Under the direction of therapeutically aware performers, an audience grows closer and finds solutions to their own problems together.


Hearing and Being Heard Together

Sound Therapy is a technique for using sound frequencies and music theory so that clinicians and coaches can be active in the creativity of their clients’ processes.

In group form, Sound Therapy is an experiential process where 6 – 50 people are guided through an experience by invitation at their own comfort level.  The goal is to develop the “pocket”, that sense of togetherness where emotions and thoughts are unified and empathy naturally grows where the participants become their own best resources.

Sound Therapy can be utilized by physiotherapists to facilitate somatic activation and release. It can aid psychotherapists in their ability to access historical resources and traumatic information. Life coaches can use it to assist their visualization of future projections, to promote focus, and to facilitate a deeper connection to difficult material.

Arts Therapy

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Expressive arts therapy is the use of visual, music, drama, or other artistic expression for developing one’s inner voice.

Imagine watching brush strokes or pencil lines interact and influence one another, feeling clay being formed with your fingers. Or imagine seeing a vision of the future materialize on a page that we only recognize after it’s already in front of us.

Learning how to express our emotions moves the energy, pushes the boundaries of how we’ve defined ourselves, and gives us the options of experiencing freedom in being who we were always meant to be.


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Music Lessons

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Therapeutic music students will learn how to perform on their chosen instrument(s), learn more about music theory as it relates to emotional awareness, and/or learn how to compose music that speaks to who and where they are right now in their own personal process. Students will also have the opportunity to interact with other students in small 3 or 4 person ensembles or larger local orchestras and bands. Witness how our brains and challenges inform and propel us to bigger and better connections as we learn how to manage, adapt, and overcome those challenges with the help of our supportive staff, other participants, and the music itself.


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